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Events Scheduled for 2024 - 2025
HARTA -- TRTA -- District IV -- Trips -- and more . . .

For additions or corrections to the website, please contact Bobby McAndrews
HARTA Meetings are held at the James D Eggers Instructional Support Center  (ISC)
4810 Magnolia Cove Dr, Kingwood Area, TX 77345


May 31                      Astros & Fireworks, Minute Maid Park

June 4                      Lunch & Learn with AMBA, Los Cucos, Kingwood

July 16                       HARTA Executive Board & Leadership Team Meetings

July 19                       HARTA Budget Meeting

August 19                 HARTA Chapter Meeting

September 9          HARTA Chapter Meeting

September 28       Concert  (contact Carolyn Mashburn if interested/details to follow soon)

October 19              ARTober Fest (contact Carolyn Mashburn if interested/details to follow soon)

October 21              HARTA Chapter Meeting

November 3           Quilt Festival  (contact Carolyn Mashburn if interested/details to follow soon)

November 5           General Election, Get Out and Vote!

December 9          HARTA Chapter Meeting

December 11          Round Top  (contact Carolyn Mashburn if interested/details to follow soon)


February 10          HARTA Chapter Meeting

April 14                    HARTA Chapter Meeting

May 19                    HARTA Chapter Meeting

Newsletter Dates

Articles Due             Publish Date

August 1, 2024                  August 5, 2024
August 22, 2024               August 26, 2024
October 3, 2025              October 7, 2024
November 21, 2024        November 5, 2024
January 23, 2025            January 27, 2024
March 27, 2025                March 31, 2024

May 1, 2025                       May 5, 2025

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